Free API Key của OpenAI | Claude 🔴

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    Mình hiện đang có các sản phẩm đặc biệt 🔥 sau mà chắc chắn bạn sẽ quan tâm:

    1. Proxy Claude/OpenAI Vip riêng sử dụng cá nhân theo gói ngày, tuần hoặc tháng

    2. Tham Gia Group của mình
    Character AI Tiếng Việt SillyTavern Việt Nam

    😓 Apologies everyone, I have to discontinue the use of this free GPT 3.5 proxy because obtaining affordable OpenAI API keys has become challenging. The resources needed to sustain this service are no longer as readily available. I recommend checking out another free GPT proxy that you can find at: []

    🔴 NEW Proxy GPT 3.5 TURBO - 7k tokens (No ads right now)

    🔴 Free Proxy OpenAI GPT 3.5

    🔴 Free Proxy Gemini Pro

    setting for Chub venus

    setting for janitorAI

    setting for SillyTavern

    🔴 Free Proxy Claude Bản VIP Chỉ sử dụng cho SillyTavern

    Note: Các link trên có các quảng cáo về đánh bạc, cá cược. Chỉ lấy mã nhận key.
    Không được tham gia các hành vi vi phạm pháp luật.

    Lý Do: Mình chèn link có quảng cáo là để lấy tiền hoa hồng. Số tiền này là trả phí để duy trì những Key API OpenAI mình share bên trên vì phải bỏ tiền ra nạp lưu lượng để cho các bạn sử dụng một cách miễn phí. Tất cả những gì bạn cần làm chỉ là vượt qua link bên trên với một thời gian ngắn họ yêu cầu thôi là sẽ có key. Mong các bạn hiểu điều này. Chúc các bạn sử dụng vui vẻ!🥰


    Video ngắn hướng dẫn vượt link nhiệm vụ cho ai chưa biết

    Đăng nhận xét

    142Nhận xét

    1. Nặc danh08:28 29/12/23

      Xin chào, tôi đang sử dụng trình dịch, tôi xin lỗi vì bất kỳ lỗi chính tả nào, Tôi nghĩ rằng “hạn ngạch” của " Reverse proxy" đã vượt quá, đó là cách nó xuất hiện với tôi, điều này thật lạ vì nó được cập nhật ngày hôm nay

      Trả lờiXóa
    2. Nặc danh09:09 29/12/23

      Cảm ơn đã giải quyết nó!

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    3. Nặc danh09:50 29/12/23

      Xin chào, xin lỗi, tôi có một câu hỏi, đang cố gắng lấy "Reverse Proxy" mới, nó bảo tôi rằng tôi phải "Bấm vào link bất kỳ ở trang nào cũng có mã" nghĩa là gì? Bạn giải thích cho mình được không?

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      1. Nặc danh09:56 29/12/23

        You can click on any image or article on their website, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and your OpenAI proxy link will appear when you click the button

      2. Nặc danh10:06 29/12/23

        Mình đã thử làm rồi, thực sự không biết giải thích thế nào, mình vào link bài viết và nhấn nút màu đỏ, khi đếm xong, trên nút đỏ đó nó vẫn xuất hiện "Bấm vào link bất kỳ ở trang nào cũng có mã" Thật kỳ lạ nhưng tôi hy vọng bạn hiểu, mặc dù tôi xin lỗi vì đã không giải thích rõ ràng.

      3. Sorry for the delayed response. I have recorded a screen video tutorial. You can watch it here:

      4. Nặc danh10:49 29/12/23

        Xin chào! Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều vì đã trả lời! Tôi thực sự muốn xem video nhưng tôi thấy như thể nó đã bị xóa khỏi YouTube

      5. Sorry youtube removed my video. I will give you the today proxy server:

        Remember it will change every day

      6. Nặc danh10:52 29/12/23

        Cảm ơn bạn, tôi thực sự đánh giá cao nó!

    4. Nặc danh05:40 30/12/23

      Hello! The Reverse Proxy appears to me as if its quota has already expired, I just wanted to know if there will be a new link?

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    5. Nặc danh23:48 2/1/24

      Hello, I would like to comment on something, it is the fact that every time I use the new Reverse Proxy, on Venus it appears as if there was a network error, but I tried to try another proxy and it was recognized but it didn't work because of the quota, I just wanted to comment on it since I don't know if it is a Reverse proxy error or a Venus error.

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      1. Okay, I've checked and it seems to be a proxy issue. I've restarted the proxy and tested it again, and now it's working. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    6. Nặc danh11:25 9/1/24

      Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience but when trying to obtain key 2, it appears as if it were key 1, I don't know if it is some mistake on my part or about the keys!

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      1. I think it's working now. Because the proxy will check every 10 minutes, when everyone uses up key 1, it might be because the proxy hasn't had time to check and switch to key 2.

      2. Nặc danh20:14 9/1/24

        I already tried again, it seems it's still the same but thanks for the clarification! I guess I'll have to wait

      3. I have tried to check and chat, it seems to be working fine.

        Here is the proxy link:

    7. Nặc danh06:00 11/1/24

      It keeps saying "Failing to fetch" or "Network Error". Is something wrong?

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    8. Nặc danh06:45 11/1/24

      Hello, I also get "network error"

      Trả lờiXóa
      Trả lời
      1. That means you need to get the new proxy link because the proxy link has been changed and is no longer valid.

    9. Nặc danh17:16 11/1/24

      Hello, I got an API Key error

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    10. Nặc danh04:21 14/1/24

      It says all keys are insufficient

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    11. Nặc danh07:10 14/1/24

      The keys also appear to me as insufficient, that their quota has already expired

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      1. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I've added new keys and reset proxy 1. Now, proxy 1 is active

    12. Nặc danh09:59 14/1/24

      Proxy 1 has network error

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      Trả lời
      1. Have you obtained the new link?

      2. The proxy link today is different from the proxy link yesterday.

    13. Nặc danh10:48 19/1/24

      All keys have exceeded quota

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    14. Nặc danh16:03 21/1/24

      bạn có dự định tạo Claude không?

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      Trả lời
      1. Yes, I am testing Claude 2 API. However, it is currently only applicable to Silly Tavern. I am still developing it. I will share it soon

      2. Có, tôi đang thử nghiệm API Claude 2. Nhưng hiện tại chỉ dùng được cho Silly tavern. Tôi vẫn đang phát triển nó. Tôi sẽ sớm chia sẻ nó

    15. Nặc danh00:51 30/1/24

      Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience but for some reason when I try to access that news to get the proxy, I don't see the red button that says: "continue", I don't know if it's a bug with my device or something, I just wanted to let you know.

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      1. Phạm Lộc00:59 30/1/24

        U should use same browser when you do this. Or u can switch your network like 4G and wifi.
        One more reason is may be that website forgot to put the continue button on their site. In that case u can try another link

    16. Nặc danh05:51 1/2/24

      hello! I don't know if it's an error but neither of the two keys work for me, one of them appears to me as if it had already experienced its current quota

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      1. Nặc danh07:00 1/2/24

        Same and it keeps saying full, please wait 7m12s for me

      2. Sorry everyone. Im out of key right now. key will be back tomorrow.
        I 've added Claude proxy. Come check it out

    17. Nặc danh22:20 1/2/24

      bạn có thể kiểm tra lại Claude không, không hiểu sao mình đang chat đến NSFW thì nó không cho phép nói đến NSFW với lại mình chưa quen dùng Claude như thế nào

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      Trả lời
      1. bạn thử nghiên cứu jailbreak cho claude xem một số người có chia sẻ cái này

    18. Nặc danh22:24 2/2/24

      Hi is Silly Tavern opened to everyone? I mean, if I make a character and chat with it, will that appear to others? If it does, I'll jump to the river. thanks.
      anyway! thank you for making proxy for everyone! I've always wished the proxy that runs by ads. Love ya!!!

      Trả lờiXóa
      Trả lời
      1. Thanks for using my proxy.
        The answer is yes. My sillyTavern web I share is public to everyone
        I make that sillytavern to advertise my sillytavern web creation service for people in my country. When they buy it, they will receive their own personal sillytavern website with exclusive access rights.

    19. Nặc danh22:52 2/2/24

      When I try to access Claude, it takes me to a page where I need to enter IP

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      Trả lời
      1. U have to paste it in sillytavern for claude, not clicking on that link.
        click on the image in my post to see the setting

    20. Nặc danh16:40 3/2/24

      Claude proxy runs out

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    21. Nặc danh06:05 6/2/24

      suddenly, both keys appear to me as if their quota has expired

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    22. Nặc danh03:46 7/2/24

      hello! The same problem as yesterday continues, as keys continue to appear as "expired quota"

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    23. Nặc danh10:15 8/2/24

      Hi, thank you so much for the free proxy but I was wondering when it'll be back up again?

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      1. What do you mean by backup?
        This claude proxy will have 500 messages every 12 hours and the password will be changed requiring everyone to get a new password.

      2. Nặc danh11:46 8/2/24

        sorry, I meant the OpenAi proxy one

      3. oh sorry for that. I'm currently working on it, please wait.

      4. Nặc danh12:44 8/2/24

        no worries, take your time! 👍

    24. Nặc danh10:47 11/2/24

      Is the proxy gone forever? 😭

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    25. Nặc danh12:45 11/2/24

      Is the proxy okay?

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    26. Nặc danh03:43 14/2/24

      Sorry but what does this mean "Error during generation, error: Error: Rate limit reached for gpt-3.5-turbo in organization org-QhDGTSoESl1RpxloxeZqNUIJ on requests per day (RPD): Limit 200, Used 200, Requested 1. Please try again in 7m12s. Visit to learn more. You can increase your rate limit by adding a payment method to your account at"

      It shows up every few minutes

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      1. Nặc danh06:31 16/2/24

        It appears to me sometimes too! From what I understand it is more of an openai error, but not the Reverse proxy

    27. Nặc danh02:14 17/2/24

      Hello! It's not whether it's my error or my device's, but the key seems like: "network error", when it was updated less than two hours ago

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      1. Nặc danh07:03 17/2/24

        Same, I've tried 3 times and it shows the same thing!

    28. Nặc danh12:26 17/2/24

      The proxy just changed but it says "network error, try again later"

      Trả lờiXóa
      Trả lời
      1. ok let me fix that. sorry im busy these days

      2. Nặc danh23:33 17/2/24

        Thanks for answering! Don't worry, Take your time

    29. Nặc danh03:53 24/2/24

      Hello! I tried to use the proxy but for some reason it appears as "network error"

      Trả lờiXóa
    30. Nặc danh12:12 24/2/24

      Hey, I could notice that the api just changed but for a few hours when I try to use it it tells me that a "network error" occurs

      Trả lờiXóa
    31. Nặc danh12:39 24/2/24

      Network error. Proxy not working.

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    32. Nặc danh03:48 25/2/24

      There is a network error again.

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    33. Nặc danh04:09 25/2/24

      The proxy just failed again, network error

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    34. Nặc danh04:23 25/2/24

      Is the proxy okay? There is network error.

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    35. Nặc danh04:33 25/2/24

      Hi, what does "Network Error" mean?

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    36. Nặc danh07:21 25/2/24

      I think the proxy has a network error

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    37. Nặc danh12:03 25/2/24

      Hii The network error unfortunately continues, is something wrong?

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    38. Nặc danh12:50 25/2/24

      The proxy still has a network error even after the refresh.

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    39. Nặc danh21:23 27/2/24

      I don't know if it's my mistake, but the proxy appears as if it has Network Error

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    40. Nặc danh05:07 4/3/24

      hello! i think the proxy has a network error

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    41. Nặc danh05:56 4/3/24

      There is another network error.

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    42. Nặc danh05:57 4/3/24

      Network error just now

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    43. Nặc danh14:35 4/3/24

      Network error again

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    44. Nặc danh15:31 4/3/24

      There seems to be a network error

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    45. Nặc danh22:07 4/3/24

      I think something is happening with the proxy, it shows up as a network error

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    46. Nặc danh00:40 5/3/24

      The proxy was updated but the network error continues

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    47. Nặc danh02:17 7/3/24

      Hello, I just tried to use the proxy, but it shows up as a network error!

      Trả lờiXóa
    48. Nặc danh02:48 7/3/24

      Proxy shows network error

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    49. Nặc danh02:57 7/3/24

      proxy has a network error

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    50. Nặc danh04:01 7/3/24

      Network error again.

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    51. Nặc danh04:42 7/3/24

      Network error still continues

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    52. Nặc danh06:16 7/3/24

      The proxy doesn't work for me :⁠,⁠-⁠)

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    53. Nặc danh07:01 7/3/24

      The proxy is still not working

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    54. Nặc danh07:51 7/3/24

      Hello, what happened with the Reverse proxy?

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    55. Nặc danh09:11 7/3/24

      The Reverse proxy has a network error I think

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    56. Nặc danh09:53 8/3/24

      The proxy has a network error, I know it will update later but I was wondering if when updating it will still have the same network error?

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    57. Nặc danh10:48 8/3/24

      Why does the proxy keep having network errors. It's not working again.

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      1. Nặc danh10:50 8/3/24

        Ok i will upgrade the proxy for showing the right error and i will open more proxies today wait me

    58. Nặc danh00:04 10/3/24

      Hello! The proxy has a network error and in my case it has been failing me a little since yesterday, but now that it was updated it doesn't work for me

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    59. Nặc danh10:24 10/3/24

      Hi, apparently there are no more keys?

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    60. Nặc danh18:27 12/3/24

      There's so many Network errors today. :(

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    61. Nặc danh06:27 13/3/24

      Please please please is there any way to stop the error during generation? It's getting frustrating

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      1. Phạm Lộc08:10 13/3/24

        The rate limit error is shown when the proxy is being used too frequently in a short time (more people are using my proxy now). I will fix this later. I have already added a secondary openai proxy to reduce the usage

      2. Phạm Lộc08:11 13/3/24

        Can you tell me which app you use with my proxy

    62. Nặc danh19:50 13/3/24

      Both proxies are not working.

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    63. Nặc danh04:36 14/3/24

      Hello! I don't know if it's just my mistake but when using the proxy it seems as if the quota has expired or if I don't get a network error

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    64. Nặc danh05:37 14/3/24

      The proxy is not working for me

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    65. Nặc danh06:06 14/3/24

      It's not working. Again.

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    66. Nặc danh06:44 14/3/24

      Still not working

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    67. Nặc danh07:00 14/3/24

      Helloooo, is the proxy working?

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    68. Nặc danh08:45 14/3/24

      The proxy has a network and quota error

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    69. Nặc danh06:49 15/3/24

      The first proxy is not working for me

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    70. Nặc danh07:19 15/3/24

      1st proxy isn't working

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    71. Nặc danh08:17 15/3/24

      The proxy is not working

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    72. Nặc danh09:24 15/3/24

      The proxy is not working?

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      Trả lời
      1. Phạm Lộc10:19 15/3/24

        Sorry it not working right now openai is not let me register new account with credit wait me fix this

    73. Nặc danh05:05 17/3/24

      Hello! The second proxy doesn't work for me, I don't know why

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    74. Nặc danh06:55 17/3/24

      I have the same problem with proxy 2

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    75. Nặc danh10:50 17/3/24

      The proxy doesn't work for me

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    76. Nặc danh21:11 17/3/24

      Why proxy 2 is not working?

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    77. Nặc danh01:21 18/3/24

      Both proxies are not working

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    78. Nặc danh09:10 18/3/24

      Neither proxys works

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      Trả lời
      1. Phạm Lộc09:11 18/3/24

        Ok wait me a minute. I just woke up

    79. Nặc danh02:07 21/3/24

      Hello! The first proxy has not worked for me since yesterday, it appears as a network error

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    80. Nặc danh20:42 21/3/24

      Please fix the proxy.

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    81. Nặc danh01:18 22/3/24

      The proxies do not work and the Gemini pro proxy does not work either

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      Trả lời
      1. ok let me see what happen I just add 2 keys 4h ago

    82. Nặc danh09:35 22/3/24

      Is the proxy under maintenance?

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    83. Nặc danh02:30 23/3/24

      what is happening with the proxy?

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    84. Nặc danh10:31 27/3/24

      I miss the proxy :')

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    85. Nặc danh20:19 29/3/24

      What happened to the proxy

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    86. Nặc danh23:03 29/3/24

      Hello! I could see that some openai keys have been added recently but I don't know if I don't know how to use them or something like that, but they don't work for me, sorry for the inconvenience!

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    87. Nặc danh08:33 7/4/24

      Thanks for putting the proxy back up

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    88. Nặc danh02:51 11/4/24

      Hello, I'm having problems with the new proxy now, I swear I'm not into sending NSFW messages, but even though I don't, it seems like it can't give me a response or something like that

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    89. Nặc danh10:32 24/4/24

      Hi I'm happy that proxie is back with NSFW function, it worked for me but now I don't know why the blank responses came back

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    90. Nặc danh05:38 25/4/24

      hi, i keep getting empty response

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    91. Nặc danh20:48 25/4/24

      I hope you'll bring back the old Proxies, they really work well and we don't mind advertising.

      Trả lờiXóa
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